Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Aphrodesus vs Ephasus

Happy Mothers day!!  We did a morning drive to get to Aphrodesus.  It was beautiful and reminded me of home.  This was a hard part of the trip as we had a lot of driving, a lot we wanted to see, and only one day to do it.  

When we got there we saw a do not enter sign and my heard dropped.  I thought we had planed wrong and they were closed.  We soon saw that it was open we just couldn't drive in.  

Day saved, now onto seeing really old stuff

Temple of Nike

Really cool wall of bizarre faces.  Each of us chose the one we liked the best and then mimicked it.

We were making the  most of being in the rain.

 It wasn't really windy, but the kids thought it would be fun to act like it was.  We thought they actually turned out pretty cool.

The amphitheater
The kids do a performance every time we are in one of these and they followed that tradition.  They treated April with mothers day songs.

The Agora (town market place) 

 Human Sized jenga!  The sign said that they didn't now how to put it together so they put it together in a modern art interpretation.  W thought it to be more like jenga.

 This was MJ's type of trip to run, play, climb all over the place.  She loved it.

 Today was Mother's Day, so why not celebrate it with a fresh picked bouquet of flowers from the girls.   

 The girls left no tree unclimbed

 This was the reason for the trip to Aphrodecias.  To see this oval track.  It was used for Chariot races and other events.  It is the largest and best preserved one that they have found.  It was huge! 

 The girls had a race around the track.  Daddy and Lissy were also running it too.
 Only the strong can survive in the oval

 April in front of the North-South road gate

They put all the statues found into a museum.
Carl's best attempt to mimic the statue face

 When we got to Ephasus, we were a little behind schedule, so we wanted to eat fast, so we put in Burger King.  The GPS took us on a lovely scenic view drive along the coast of Turkey, sadly we never found the Burger King, but we found a better place to eat anyways.

 We took a horse carriage ride to the top of the Ephasus ruins.  It was a better proposition than hiking all the way up and down with the kids.  

 Lissy was wondering why we didn't take a horse and buggy ride all over Turkey.

 MJ holding up the column

 The family looking over the city dwelling area  

 The sun was just right to get an excellent silohette of the April and MJ

 This was the kids walking down the main street as the sun was setting.  It was really neat, there was hardly anyone there.  So we had the whole place to ourselves. 

More city dwellings

Carl holding up the pillars, the kids like to hold things up apparently

This was the most amazing ruin in terms of being together.  It was the library.  It was huge and amazing with such detail.

Looking amazing!!!

The front facade of the library

Amazing view of the top of the pillars outside of the library

Ha-Na jumping for joy for our trip

One happy mom and dad

This was an amazing theater.  It was huge and so well preserved.  Of course the kids performed for us again.  So many performances at some many different theaters.

Panoramic view

The kids walking down the main street at sunset

Gymnasium outside of the theater.  It is basically razed, but it is a great view back at the theater

This was an aquaduct right by our hotel that we passed on the way to dinner

Happy Mother's Day to a wonderful mother and wife.  We cannot thank you and love you enough for all of the support and love for us!

Tomorrow we visit Cappadocia!

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